University of Georgia PMBA in Chicago

Terry College of Business | PMBA

Program overview




Academic Engagements


Students on program

University of Georgia PMBA students traveled to Chicago with the goal of understanding a variety of business topics in the U.S. The group visited Mondelez International, a titan in the food and beverage industry, participated in a strategy challenge with Bayer Pharmaceuticals, and visited the Chicago Bears’ downtown sales office.

“Students who participated in this program said the Chicago residency is one of the most memorable, challenging, and fun parts of their PMBA experience at UGA.”

Susan Brown, Director at Terry College of Business

Chicago is home to phenomenal lakeside architecture, high-flying finance, great pizza, and spirited fans that add to its reputation of being a big city with genuine heart.

The program started with a visit to the Chicago Bears’ downtown sales office. Students were able to get an inside look into the sports industry and see what it takes to run sales for a national football team.

The group also participated in a strategy challenge with Bayer Pharmaceuticals, where they were presented with a business problem to solve. Students had time to work on their presentations throughout the program and presented their ideas to a representative from the company on the final day. They received feedback on their proposals and one winner was selected at the end of the challenge.

“The Business Strategy Challenge with Bayer gave our students an opportunity to incorporate lessons and skills learned during their program in a new business environment working on a real-world project,” said Susan Brown, director of PMBA, OMBA, and EMBA programs at Terry College of Business, University of Georgia.

While in the process of working on their presentations for Bayer, the group visited Mondelez International, maker of Oreos and Toblerone bars. Students learned about business operations and management at a large-scale company in the food and beverage industry.

“The business visits gave students perspective on how economic, cultural, and competitive environments influence business processes and decisions,” Susan said about the business visits as a whole.

While it was a busy week, the group was still able to experience the city’s sights on a cruise down the Chicago river. They discovered legendary stories of the past while learning about the city’s rich architectural history.

A look inside the program

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